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Stillness is the essence of life.


In nature, it’s the calmness of the lake, the whistling of the wind, and the strength of the trees. It’s not defined by the absence of sound, but by the little hums that echo through it.


In the mind, stillness is the meeting point between mental strength and inner peace. It is the clarity of thought not defined by the absence of anxiety, but by the triumph over it.


Zen Philosophy

Stillness is a state of non-action that is more productive, more enriching, and more peaceful than most other forms of action. It accomplishes more because it does not try to accomplish anything.


Contrary to popular belief, stillness in Zen philosophy is not about living in silence or meditating all day. Rather, it is about remaining calm and cool despite the noise of the environment. Things flow through and around you, as if you are the link that connects them all.


Professional athletes and other top performers know how to channel stillness when it is called for. Stillness slows down time, and gives you those extra little moments to make decisions that could change your life for the better.


Whether it’s making the game-winning shot, closing a million-dollar deal, or simply becoming a happier person, all great things in life are achieved through stillness of mind.


Here are 23 ways you can incorporate this secret superpower into your life.



1) Be Fully Present


When you commit yourself to an activity, make sure you show up. Learn to appreciate the beauty of every moment. The most important part of stillness is being able to commit 100% of your energy to the task at hand. This gets exponentially easier when you actually enjoy doing it.



2) Move In Silence


Let your actions speak for you. You should be constantly learning from your environment and gathering information that will help you grow. Don’t waste your energy boasting about your success to others.



3) Be a Good Listener


As Stephen Covey said, “Most people listen with the intention to respond.” Listen with the intention to understand. Being a good listener not only makes people respect you more, but makes them more comfortable being around you. It is very attractive and encourages connection.



4) Do Not Rush


It’s okay to be busy, but do no sacrifice quality for quantity. Be patient, and make sure you have enough time for each task at hand.



5) Do Not Stress


Anxiety is the kryptonite of stillness. Find ways to release your tension, and become comfortable under pressure. You can never operate at your best when you are in a state of stress.



6) Be Reflective


You should take a minimum of 10 minutes out of your day, every day, to reflect on your current state of affairs. How is your life? Do you know where you’re going? Where do you want to go? You can do this through meditation, journaling, going for walks, or simply sitting down mindfully.



7) Be Open Minded


Closed mindedness and stillness are mutually exclusive – you cannot be both at the same time. You want to be in a state where you are receptive to new opportunities and people. You do not judge anyone or anything.



8) Be Humble


A still person understands how little they really do know. The last thing you want to do is boast about yourself and set unrealistic expectations. This will attract stress into your life, blocking stillness and your ability to operate at peak performance. Don’t be an asshole, either.



9) Use Reason and Intuition


Always trust your gut instinct, but verify with logic. Your feelings are real and most of the time they are right… but as a still person, you understand that you do not always have the answers and your feelings may be biased.



10) Be Stoic


Never panic or act out of emotion. Separate your emotions from reality. Listen to them, but do not engage with them. Often they will sway you from your center and prevent you from looking at the situation objectively.



11) Be Decisive


Make decisions quickly, and take time to go back on them if you change your mind. A still person knows what they want, or at least acts like they do. This will save you vast amounts of time and energy in the long run.



12) Cultivate A Strong Set of Values


Your moral compass is your emotional center, guiding you through the muddy waters of life. Your values give you strength and wisdom in times of stress. Hold them close to your being.



13) Have A High Level of Self-Respect


Keep a low tolerance for bullshit and “drama”. People who do not appreciate you should not be in your life, whether they are your boss, your husband/wife, or your best friend. These people prevent stillness. You only have room for people who uplift and support you.



14) Practice Gratitude


Understand that if you are reading this, you are very lucky. When you are in a state of gratitude, stillness comes easy. You are not competitive and you don’t concern yourself with others. You live in abundance, and results flow naturally.



15) Be Healthy


As a self-respecting person, you should live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and nutrition is not just about increasing your energy or getting your dream body. It reinforces the idea that you are a high-value person, which is the mental space you need to be in when channeling stillness into your life.



16) Develop A Routine


Stillness, like discipline, is a mental muscle that can only be achieved through boundless repetitions. Creating a schedule increases your odds of success tenfold, as your results become much more measurable and more clearly defined. Routines make life easier.



17) Find Hobbies That Replenish Your Energy


What you do in your free time is critical to your emotional stability. To be still, you should seek out hobbies that give you energy instead of take it away. This includes sports, fishing, going on walks, socializing, etc. Netflix and video games rob your creative energy, and do not promote stillness.



18) Challenge Yourself Regularly


Set frequent objectives that are realistic enough to achieve, but hard enough that you will have to work for them. This encourages discipline and mental fortitude. When challenges arise in your life unexpectedly, you will already be prepared.



19) Go Where The Pain Is


Do not avoid anxiety or insecurity – go to it. Seek it out. Pain is one of the best indicators you have to make a change in your life. When you are comfortable with pain, you have a much higher confidence in yourself and less anxiety. This promotes stillness.



20) Learn To Enjoy Solitude


Be alone frequently and have fun doing it. This is one of the quickest ways to develop mental fortitude and self-awareness. When you can be comfortable alone, you can be comfortable anywhere.



21) Have a Purpose


Stillness is rooted in purpose – to be calm in the face of adversity. When you have a reason to live, you are able to withstand any storm life throws at you. Without a purpose, you are prone to reacting to the state of your environment instead of creating a better one.



22) Be A Life-Long Learner


Treat life as an everlasting opportunity to better yourself. Become a frequent reader and learner in things that interest you. Consume knowledge over entertainment, and you will see vast improvement on your stress levels. Knowledge promotes stillness.



23) Live As If There Are No Coincidences


Whether life is a random set of 0s and 1s, or there actually is some greater power connecting us all is not the point. When you live your life under the belief that everything happens for a reason, you give yourself control over your outcome. You will search for ways to make your outcome worth it, even if it was not what you initially anticipated. Stillness encourages a high internal locus of control, which promotes wellbeing.