To be strong in the face of adversity, to bear great pain without any outward expression of it, and to become comfortable with all things uncomfortable. No, this is not your therapist talking – this is Stoicism. What is Stoicism? Some would reckon it was the...
Coffee, butter, and oil are all great for their intended use… but combining all three in one fat-frenzy concoction, while skipping breakfast, under the illusion that it’s healthy? How diabolical. Regardless, Butter Coffee has popularized tremendously over the last few...
“There is in every one of us, even those who seem to be most moderate, a type of desire that is terrible, wild, and lawless” – Plato Do you really know who you are? Do you know why you are attracted to certain types of people, places, pleasures or taboos? What...
It’s 5 a.m. and you haven’t slept at all. You’re questioning reality from a broken lens and a tainted conscience. Life just doesn’t make sense anymore. With a clenched jaw, sweaty palms, and a single tear running down your left cheek, you finally come to terms with...
The meaning of life is to be happy… I call bullshit. Pursuing happiness as the make-all-ends-meet only reinforces the happiness that you do not already have. In the attempt to attain happiness through the avoidance of pain, we end up with more pain than what we...
No longer is meditation reserved for the monasteries of Tibet, the zen masters of Zhengzhou, or the ascetic monks of Buddhism. The practice has swiftly emerged into western and european culture, and poses an attractive (and much less committed) muse towards...